Company Membership Renewal


For individual membership renewal instead of business, click on the "Company User?" button above. If you do not have an existing membership, please join by using our membership sign up form.


Renew Your Membership Today

Thank you for supporting our non-profit and technology, entrepreneurship, and STEM education resources in North Central Washington. Feel free to email questions to:

You will have the option to renew/add employees (sub-members) to your membership in a subsequent screen. Please make sure that at least one employee/sub-member is connected to your membership; you can start by renewing/adding yourself as a sub-member. You can add additional employees/sub-members later through the Portal, or you can have your employees fill out our Account Registration form and the NCW Tech Alliance team will connect them to your membership for you!


Membership Information

Below there is an option for "Individual Membership - No Business Affliation" due to a glitch in our system. THESE ARE NOT FOR ANY TYPE OF BUSINESS. If you are the owner and sole-employee of a business, you must renew as a Bronze Business member if you would like to receive all membership perks, including a listing on our member directory, B2B referrals, exposure opportunities, and more. If you would like to move forward with renewing as an individual with no business affliation, please click on the "Individual User?" button above and continue filling out the form.



Sign Up For Auto-Renewal

Check the box below if you would like your membership to automatically renew in one year. You will be sent a reminder email that your automatic renewal is approaching.



Company Information



Upload Company Logo

Please use our Member Directory Information form to upload your company logo. Once submitted, the GWATA team will add your company to the member directory within 5 business days. You can always upload a logo later through the form our your member portal. 



Company Mailing Address




Company Primary Contact

Phone Type:





Information about next steps: On the next page, you will have the option to add employees (sub-members) to your membership in a subsequent screen. Please make sure that at least one employee/sub-member is connected to your membership; you can start by adding yourself as a sub-member. You can add additional employees/sub-members later through the Portal, or you can have your employees fill out our Account Registration form and the NCW Tech Alliance team will connect them to your membership for you!

Neon CRM by Neon One